Luck for me i only hv1 cos if i had anymore i wouldve been out of my house years ago..
If u r wondering y my siblings all look like devils it's bc THERE R TOTTALLY DEVILS
The animes bad but the eye is good and the other 1 is winking ok
Who wants fan art it can be a different design doesn't hv to be flowers...
Im gonna charge my tablet now bye guys see yas tommorrow
This isn't accurate my alarm clock is on my mum's phone cos mine got smashed but that's a differe...
Some scores we will get next week but in science is 37/67 good or bad i think bad i havent told m...
Idk what to put here soooo 😅😄😄😃😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜
I'm bad at drawing (I definetly don't say this every time I try something new!)
Uhhh fading???cos the monsters running wild jnside of meeeee im FADING,FADING so lost I'm fading....
Blue:oh imposter of the vent what is ur wisdom
Red:peeps who leave 1st r real imposters
I'm bad...
If u dont get it basically.....prance the normal nose reindeer had a very normal nose and if u ev...
The hand is ib her sleeves she is not hand less promise u
Bookish fairy I full filled ur wish I'm like ur fairy step sis anyway uhh bye....
Uhh first sketch uploaded this month??;)
drawing isn't my speciality/talent sorry...
Did i miss any????????;) which 1 do u hv I hv brown (boring!!)