I don't play it, but I find the game that it looks fun and I love the music
I came up with 10 new weapons.
Power 1: Can set cardboard cutouts that can trick other attackers.
Power 2: Can escape really fast.
If you vomit easily don't watch this
Power 1: Can split into multiple versions of itself.
Power 2: Once slimes touch together, they c...
I'm back! I think Facebook saved my life. I was checking out Facebook and found that I posted som...
Someone did a draw me challenge, if I made mistakes I'll fix them.
Power 1: Can summon HUGE power balls
Power 2: Can turn electric
Power 3: Can float
Power 4: TH...
Power 1: Is toxic when it's liquid
Power 2: can morph self back together
A very recognized slim...