(Chapter 2)
(Page 4)
Lily: u-um.. (kat chuckles and blushes) kat: i know you like me..but yo...
(Chapter 2)
(Page 3)
(Lilianna runs up to ginger and hugs her) lilianna:I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!...
(Chapter 2)
(Page 2)
Lily: wait..your in pain?!?! Do you need help!?!?
Kat: no...im fine... ...
Kat: *does a cartwheel*
Max: *kisses Kits Cheek*
Kat: *Squeals*
Kit: Shut up Kat!
Does anybody else want to be in the book series "the falling stars"?
To be in it:
1. Comment...
*me realizing that my OC basically is a rip off of steven universe, Eda the owl lady and her sist...
(Chapter 2!!!)
(Page 1)
(Lily slaps kit) Lily: Haha! Now your double red! Get it cuz kat slap...
(Page 6! The last page of the 1st chapter!)
(A girl peeks at them behind the trees) kit: lil...