Hahahahahahahah flamethrowerr go BRrRrrrrrrRRrRrrrrRrRrRrr
This is the Combination room where we combine Fle- Juice and Ashe- Fun dust! What could go wrong?
We have the burne- The gray skin room! It uses fi- Gas to make you burn- turn gray!
Welcome to the Everything factory! Where everything never goes wrong! We will take a quick tour o...
We got the card while he died we ran to the door subject 01 was gaining on us 079 got squished by...
019 Was holding off subject 01 but he ran out of ammo and...well...he died.
Subject 01 Escaped the chamber room The Captain died in the process he had the only card to floor...
We tested on subject 01 from the blood of a creature until it backfired terribly....