Luna The Stupid Norwegian A...
im sorry... I'm hurting everyone... Aren't I a disappointment? I'm sorry for the pain I caused...
I hate these colors I hate this day Why does everything cause me pain
Perfectly fine! Even if only one does The rest probably forgot who I was already!
Oh, right! I only have three things that keep me going Go ahead and try for me to tell you It ...
Maybe you will find something to make me happy Maybe you will ask if there is anything Welp I'...
usally, I leave anime maker from March to June I guess not this year See you in June When you...
watch my become unnoticed Again.... And again... And again.......
No Description
Today I tested for my orange/yellow belt in karate today And I passed! They also said I'm proba...
The reason I haven't been on that much is because I have art block
Just when my sleep problems were going away....