

They're great friends now.

4 views - 10 months ago


I just love drawing him

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5 views - 10 months ago


Hunter :"thanks chica!, it looks nice!!"
Chica :"thanks hun, I'm glad ya like it!"

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5 views - 10 months ago


Star boy

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3 views - 10 months ago



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4 views - 10 months ago


He didn't even ask his mom if he could

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3 views - 10 months ago


Lunar :"u do look like me."
Eclipse :"go fuck ur self u fucking ai."
Lunar :"damn."

4 views - 10 months ago



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4 views - 10 months ago


Now he's calmed down a bit

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6 views - 10 months ago


5 views - 10 months ago


Anthony :"uhh..hunter, calm down."
Hunter :"me?, calm down?!, HOW TF AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN,...

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3 views - 10 months ago


His dad :"U look alot ya been bud?."
Hunter :"better, without u."
His dad :"hmm...

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3 views - 10 months ago


Hunter :"so..w-wheres ur little friend?...."
Chris :"well, she is home, still in pain because of...

5 views - 10 months ago


Chris and Anne

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6 views - 10 months ago


He had a a abusive dad growing up, that got sent to jail when he was 17.

He's bullied at schoo...

7 views - 10 months ago


His friend isn't there.
He usually has to lie about his job.
He lies to where he got his scars ...

5 views - 10 months ago


Hunter :*casually scrolling through tiktok.*

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8 views - 10 months ago