I'm not surcidal. I'm just. Angry. My family says " we can't trust you with stuff anymore! " ... ...
They make fun of me for everything I do wrong they say " oh you can't do that you're Lynn! " when...
I'm just trying new body shapes basically.
Sabrina the foxxo was the closest (and the only one that guessed ;-;) she/he will get a drawing
Get guessing tho! I'm a slow eater ;-;
It's a Japanese (I think ^^' )name, it starts with S-a-k
It's a pretty hard name to guess though.. I'll draw ur OC if you guess it ^-^'
The cat furry thing is a doll that Lynn has in her basement (they sneak into her house for eviden...
I really like my story aaaaa ;wF
Rip him (Lynn killed him, yes she has robots in her basement, and yes him , Jace , Maci and Carso...
I'll be on yt ;-;