Go see my god of fire series and if you have a comment on it then comment on my ask god of fire v...
I think all episodes will have separate parts
This is the end part of episode 1
There are gems that give power and take away power or corrupt power most gems give power like fir...
I'm remaking my god of fire series so please check mme t also I'm going to say the names of all c...
This is a part 2 or 3 episode due to being the first and also Part 2 has the good action this wa...
I acully did good in this but still don't watch if you want to be suprised
This is official 100% no more laybacks
It's an update from one of my previous vids
Im not getting w new phone I'm getting a new screen but I may still leave anime maker because of ...
I plan on making a moster fighting arena and these are the first contestants I just want to know ...
I hope you like it because I cut my fingers to do this
I'm going to have to stop animating because my phone ahas a very big crack on it and I could bare...
One of my sister's friends.. BROKE my favorite sword I got YESTERDAY