

Sye: It took YEARS of hard work to make this robot!!! Yeah he's just an endoskeleton, I'll make h...

4 views - 6 years ago



29 views - 6 years ago


71 views - 6 years ago


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62 views - 6 years ago


Now Inpothermia looks like this...

40 views - 6 years ago




32 views - 6 years ago


The Eight Claws is a group of cats that exist in real life. Slippers and Tiger are my cats. Sneak...

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53 views - 6 years ago


109 views - 6 years ago


281 views - 6 years ago


I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I...

35 views - 6 years ago


41 views - 6 years ago


My SOUL is almost shattered. Without it I can't continue...the GAME can't continue without me...

87 views - 6 years ago


Someone tell me why I exist...
Someone tell me why I was created this way...
Someone tell me ho...

43 views - 6 years ago