Inactive search up Gothic i...
I'm gay ok not in to girls into males I'm gae plz get it right its in my bio plz just check my se...
Not at all straight
Please keep it to yourself if your on my page
Andromeda she's just an a hole Christian frllibg she has to force the Bible on satanist *I've bee...
I'm toning down my pentqgrams and leviathan crosses a little bit this is gonna be for a week to s...
I've been in too much religious drama and crap like that if you want my account it's gonna get de...
So far I'm going to wait for the paint I put on the wii dry then do the controller nunchuck and o...
So I can get facts straight sorry quinn for saying crap idk was wrong heres the yt link https:/...
Since you won't quit being a b*tch get blocked Bible thumper
Your now better than Andromeda
I'm a human being and i don't deserve all this Bible thumping on my own account just leave me alo...
To the people telling me what to do with my own drawings one no 2 no 3 no I'm not going to change...
AnDrOmEdA hates me for being satanic *LAUGHS INTENSELY* now I can understand being offended to al...