HazimAnimator (offline unti...
Draw your own Halloween costume (your style)and wait until me review the contest.
Close date o...
Stormy day outside,stay home ok?
Me too busy about anime,simple explanation..
What is going on?
I'm seeing that everyone is busy.
You look cute,so I make this!
So,what is wrong with that..umm..2 sussy bottle?
I want to be sure your fan art will be made,but I can't promise,because it's a lot of followers.s...
Help me with this depressed thingy,pls?
I literally can't get a idea today, so I just make something that is boring like a childhood art.
Here I the longest scienctific word:
Come on,it's just an accident.
Hello,I'm just a bored guy so I'm offline and...doing surprise..π
Who knows riddle Transfer?
This is nuts..
You like it?
What is going on??
Almost 1 year!