((Is unconcus and moans in her words...))
Brother...are you there...?
Now I followed u!
And bye!
((Takes off mask))
Lazy:((I don't want to remember none of them...the painful past of my happy li...
Lazy 9 years:Let's go play hide in seek in the forest Laze!^^
Laze:Right at back ya sis!^^
Lazy 9 years:I wanna give this to Ms Poppy! She's a nice teacher! I want to stop by at the hospit...
Lazy 9 year:Brother!((Hugs him))
((A boy comes out))
Laze:Don't cry lil sis! Here...I got you a new one!:)
Lazy:((Sobs))...My flower!:"(
Those meanies killed it!
It was fun drawing!:3
((Worm pops out of Lazy's mouth))
Worm:Bye! Bye!:D
We are drawing with our figures tongues foot toe and pinkies!:3