I'm going to be My oc's XXX and Angel (I'm working on her design she's a demon and XXX is an ange...
XXX is an angel.
Sex: male
Crush: Angel. XXX: I-I don't like her!! She's a devil! I'm an angel...
I hav to go soon so I can't stay like no T-T
Hey so you was bored so I draw this its error sanses string things and my unshowed newest underta...
So I decided to draw some stuff she here's what I kinda look like irl and no I'm not a guy...
I literally just woke up I'm bored as hell
Good morning everyone!! I'm sorry I haven't been as active I'm working on a animation for YouTube...
I will pick one person from the comments only one spot remains Ning the other three spots areeee:...
Some fucking school bus literally RIPPED our mailbox off the pole and my mom is going fucking NUT...
Hello animemaker universe! I'm back! I haven't been as active as I used to be I've had lots of sc...
So... I just beat the crap out of myself...... Don't ask why... Please.. It's really stupid...
Toxic: it's 12:08....no...
Me: Yes I need you for animations! Get uppppp!!
Toxic: fine...
I'll see you guys in the morning...
I don't know I just got done cleaning my ENTIRE house and I'm really bored ;3
Me: this s gonna take forever
Toxic: oh come on it's not THAT bad!
*we both walk into my room...