

Age: …
Likes: Everything
Dislikes: Nothing
Crush: Gaster
Favorite color: Purple

27 views - 6 years ago


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63 views - 6 years ago


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26 views - 6 years ago


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92 views - 6 years ago


The reason why I'm never online that much is because I have a friend from Mississippi over for th...

28 views - 6 years ago



26 views - 6 years ago


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81 views - 6 years ago


I can't really take it anymore. I have to have a break and as long as Crystal's gone, I'm gone to...

112 views - 6 years ago


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70 views - 6 years ago


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34 views - 6 years ago


(Went with the color of the outline)

29 views - 6 years ago


(Went with the color of the outline)

48 views - 6 years ago


24 views - 6 years ago


Crystal, please come back online whenever you can. I'm getting very worried and I really miss you.

101 views - 6 years ago