Firęłight_ßwekh(Why is ever...
Thunderclaw: *blushes a little* /Ooooo <^>
It's on music.aly my musername is baconpancakeswaffles I'm doing a
G: Male L: ?? D: ?? C: Lulu (Don't be afraid of him he's just a reflection. He can die easily...
Thunder claw: Rawr
This isn't my oc I'm just to lazy to draw it
G: Female C: Death S: Straight L: Death D: Living
Go mets!! ^^
No Description
Only 1 person, I'm not doing separate ones
Gender: Male Likes: Bows, Ribbons, Ties Dislikes: collars, Spikes, Razors Personality: Joyful...
I'm inspired by Sprinkles ^^ Name: Flora Gender: Girl Likes: Flowers,Nature, and Poppys Disl...
Get out of her >:0 /Thunderlight: Never ):3
Inspired by Wolfie
I already knew. If only anime maker still had camera I could show you the picture of it