You find starlight with out her bandages what do you do? 1:give her new ones 2:uncover her eyes...
Starlight:flips me off*////gasp*how dare you X3/////starlight:thinks about someone but whooo and ...
Meet white bendy the inked bendy XD)
She will not show her eyes they will only glow she bandaged her chest and eyes she also got stabs...
Spice:fuck off *flips you off* Spice:thinks about cola and blushes*
Life:smiles*(she's already shiped and powrfuller then snake)
She is already ship and I powerful)
She is everything and she will kill you with no mercy and her eyes are messed up)
Dragon:pls n-no
Dragon is half everything and even a Sunday pluse shadow and she has a crush she is VERY VERY pow...
I don't look this pretty but ya Q^Q
She is a werewolf/vampire/demon/nature/wether/space and she has been heartbroken about 999`000 ti...
Bat:.....*shows fangs* (She's a vampire/demon/wolf/mermaid/spirit she hates love and is hard to ...
Ima be watching some jackseptieye and a little drawing of sam XD さようなら私の友人と私の先輩 (goodbye my frien...
I'm bored af XD
*does s dance*
YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!