Man: “stands on building” so long
Me:WAIT DON’T JUMP “gets on phone and presses record” OKAY NOW...
I know Brazil 🇧🇷 wants me but hey WHO KILLED HIM
I tried to be miner master but I sucked and I said I sucked im no good but then the dot teached m...
I did a dance move and then I got almost crushed so I used my strength and the thing blew up
I threw one so I get what I deserve (mild jump scare)
Usa: we need to build a wall
Mexico:(slams door open)WHAT DID YOU SAY
Usa: huh?
Mexico:DON’T P...
I do know that I have marsplayscool immortal samboi a random animation Jeramy sans and that’s all...
I look like the (inspired from marsplayscool)