Prince, I'm a little underaged to tell you what I would say. e-e)) And Cookie, you'd be surprised...
His main OC smoky is a cat/wolf. His fur is silver and gray spots, he has one blue eye and one gr...
Parrot/cookie can you please apologize to Cookie•Bandit? You were a little to harsh on her...
Hmm.. I really like somebody. They like me back. We aren't dating or stuff like that. We just hav...
Oh my gawsh thank you so much for defending me. I was eating my dinner so I didn't see earlier. Srry
I said I WUZ sorry. .-. Eh. Your coming back as someone new I know you are puppy.
Puppy, I saw a comment saying I'm mean and nobody likes the roasted Quincy. If that wasn't you or...