


this movement makes

0 sense

I've run out of brain power


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154 views - 2 years ago


wink wonk

👁 👁 ✨

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72 views - 2 years ago


I actually made two

the other one sux tho

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61 views - 2 years ago


nothin too fancy

ima do a couple Lil animations like this, no full body animations rn tho


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34 views - 2 years ago



I can't

I'm so

emotionally ezhasusted

I've cried way to much I the past three days

I ...

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32 views - 2 years ago


Níl a fhios agam conas a bhraitheann mé

Níl mé ag iarraidh a bhraitheann

cuireann mothúchái...

109 views - 2 years ago


idk what happened

I used to be better at this


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43 views - 2 years ago


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50 views - 2 years ago



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54 views - 2 years ago


should I do a face reveal?
or voice?
or both??

idk I've done a face b4 but half of you never...

21 views - 2 years ago


some1 h3lp mre

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33 views - 2 years ago



idk maybe can't stop by red hot Chilli peppers?
or maybe super massive black hole
but I a...

39 views - 2 years ago


yyyeeees I've got five cats and a ferret

their names are hoodie(orange one), ash(dark gray), ...

31 views - 2 years ago


I don't rlly watch musicals but I llloooooooove horror movies

one of my favorite series is scr...

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28 views - 2 years ago



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34 views - 2 years ago




don't question it I'm kinda having a moment

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34 views - 2 years ago


idk what to do with myself

I neeeed something

ADD go bbbbbbbb

God I hate hate myself for...

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65 views - 2 years ago


got what u wanted ig

sry for bothering you

I'm gonna be offline for a while

70 views - 2 years ago