AKAKW I CANT LOOK AT THEM ANYMORE and uh tbh I miss my old acc hh but if I were to go back to tha...
And now it disappears in a few frames I call
A n i m a t i o n
I hate drawing hair it’s so hard and they always look bad lol
Which is b ad hahahshejdje im not in a good mood rn h
I hate it , my drawings are bad I’m sorry for giving you rubbish like this hh I feel bad for you ...
I had to jump and run around HhHH I’m a presenter in the play and I had to dance st the end HWJSJ...
My teacher wants the girls to s u f f e r
-flips table- I *clap* AM *clap* DOING *clap* THE *clap* SKAZKA *clap* M E M E
And go on Snapchat at the same time HAHHhaHs
It’s because I rushed packing my homework and forgot my maths so I asked some of my friends to ta...
Took me till second lunch to finish hhh because this girl kept stealing my pencil and running awa...
Like nothing matters
No one cares
I feel like I’m useless
And lonely too