O K Jazzy u may come if u like but Erin gonna follow where u go in case of trouble and me and Ris...
It's ok and hi I'm Erin I'll be protecting u Jazzy when Risk and Lyna is gone
Also I mean we can track them on top and come down as a suprize attack
It's ok if u want to u can stay with my friend Erin or come with us and we'll protect you on the way
O K! Let's track them down! ^^ I'll be hidden on the roofs runing silently
Wait do u have a sis or a bro at ur place? And fine ' let Arrow go'
As Arrow runs away I said ' Victor Arrow' as the arrow in made in the ground surround her as she ...
Go's to Arrow and say Hi I'm Erin, Lynas friend, r u ok? U don't sound happy?
Walk in front of her and sit down as I look at her in the shade say hi