

12 views - 5 years ago


I love you ♡

16 views - 5 years ago


Don't cry...

68 views - 5 years ago


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28 views - 5 years ago


This is a new thing now that I'm going to be doing =/

 3    8
33 views - 5 years ago


I'm tired of people using me for stupid things... I'm nobodys princess... and now... I'm gonna be...

18 views - 5 years ago



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52 views - 5 years ago


1) it's ok! What is your name?
2) it's ok cutie. So what's your name hot stuff~?
3) ok your wei...

26 views - 5 years ago


1) *stare back at her*
2) um... hello?
3) Hey Stop stareing at me! That's creepy!
4) *walk awa...

23 views - 5 years ago


104 views - 5 years ago


Age: 17
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Like boys that don't care and she's a tomboy

51 views - 5 years ago


15 views - 5 years ago


26 views - 5 years ago


Sorry it took so long

8 views - 5 years ago