I forgot I made my Nano gauntlet do that ;-;
I swear they’re not like that ;-; (from EXcalibur Sonic)
@TOADY143’s weird request XD
Btw he didn’t tell me 2 do this he’s just so good.
@DIRTFACE143 got him 2day and he’s soooo cute
Now they’re called @ ☭☞︎✙Panda☜︎✙☭ (✨this my new acc✨)
She’s a CPU… and she’s toxic???
I’ve managed to master his controls too
And I’ve memorised the FATALITY input and I’ve got a BRUTALITY once
@Excalibur Sonic/@Excalibur sonic lost his account again like… bruh
@EXcalibur Sonic
If u wanna know… well I don’t wanna be rude XD if ur good with cursing then listen to Lieu on sou...