I do sketches/bases here sometimes BUT I ALMOST ACCIDENTALLY UPLOADED IT. SOB
aesthetic: y2k, soft goth/emo,scene kid that type of stuff
1- Boba
2 hxney lavender
I'm more active on my Instagram @im.phrog and so yeah :3 if you wanted to talk or just look at my...
sorry for taking so long (;′⌒`) it's not the best at the moment but I enjoyed making it
here's your drawing :) it's not coloured cause I'm lazy (;′⌒`) but here!!
my doctor started me on anti depressiants today, and they've seemed to help, so hi again :3
I'm not in the best state of mind, I'm going to need time to myself
1. wildgirl84
2. Sky ☁
if anyone wants to talk my insta is @im.phrog :) or my discord is imPhrog#2387