

I'm baaack

as if anybody'd carrrre


I need dares or requests or smth
they're gonn...

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20 views - 2 years ago


if I posted like

vent art(???)

here would anyone say anything?

like I get consoling a pe...

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27 views - 2 years ago


gonna shower

and think abt somethings

Tá súil agam go bhfuil tú ceart go leor Ghost. Níl a...

16 views - 2 years ago


I had an insulation emergency at work

iiiit was a big mess but I've had to clean up worse lol

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34 views - 2 years ago


two very different situations right now

one good

one not so good

and I don't know how to...

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67 views - 2 years ago





but I don't

I don't n o t like-

I mean-

but there are like three-

3 ppl...

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44 views - 2 years ago


teenee <3

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79 views - 2 years ago



can someone make me

a pfp

you can make one w/me and you or just me idc

tá mé

beidh m...

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26 views - 2 years ago



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51 views - 2 years ago



Lil chibii

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36 views - 2 years ago


don't guilt trip me

please don't

not gonna give any specific names but

just dont


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96 views - 2 years ago


I won't have to give my presentation until Friday bc I don't have my pamphlets


gonna d...

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57 views - 2 years ago


ní raibh mo chara a bhí ceaptha mo phaimfléid a bheith anseo roday mar sin ní raibh mo chuid ruda...

46 views - 2 years ago



I just had to direct the bus so the sub could get everyone

the subs not even a sub he's the me...

14 views - 2 years ago


nsjksk I'm

not ready for today

presentations today

wish me lucc ig Q Q

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27 views - 2 years ago



ima slep


Oíche mhaith<3<3

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27 views - 2 years ago


looks like shit cuz I didn't rlly try I just kinda scribbled it down

but yeah


to the...

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139 views - 2 years ago



I'm sry

I'll speak English again


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11 views - 2 years ago