Pup (leader of the, a-m-cra...
“☌⟊⎐⟒ ⋔⟒ ⊑⟊⋔ ⟊⍀“ says the human is a strange language but it some how feels familiar in a way
The human looks surprised in sorts of ways But the expression it’s giving is confusing
Idk I like drawing him ig the app is still glitching so the shading is off
Can someone help me? (I will put someone on one of my posts if that help meh)
So here is huggy wuggy ig
The app is glitching so it looks like I did not finish it, do any of...
“what am I doing, that thing might have been my only chance to get back to the surface“ (if you ...
Who wants to name this thing?
I’ve been liking undertail lately
I can’t seem to draw sans and it’s annoying me...
I don’t think I will post as often any more, I may not post for quite a while... I don’t think I...
So many people have quit just in one moment, or just stuck to commenting, and now well idk how to...
Idk every once and a while I do some fan art ._.
รΔᵛ︎ε ϻ𝓔︎
I may not post tomorrow bc I’m busy
Arthur: 4 Noway ball: 2 Tori: 3 Chor:1
It has nothing on its face but an eye, and does it even have ears? Or just feathers/furr…
I will draw my oc mixed with something, like a video game character, or a character from a show, ...
Idk if I deserve it though, I mean I did kill something I was not meant to...
(it was not a bu...