Thank you all for following and supporting me! Never would’ve gotten this far without you guys! S...
Today I saw roadkill
I almost threw up
Spooder me! Spooder me! Does everything creepy!
Me, hanging on to a burning tree, over sharks, in a lightning. How more dangerous does it get?
And yes, I’ve watched the series 💫🧢
This is a sneak peek to a fanfic I’m doing ^^
And Virginia, and D.C
It’s gonna be a loooooong trip ( ._.)
Apparently, I didn’t! I found them while scrolling through some old animes. I have rediscovered t...
I challenge you to write a story with a lot of physical activity and snakes being the main charac...
My dad wrote this poem a while back and when I read it, I thought it was pretty cool! So I wanted...
Thx for comic time 3 for being that person! ^^
I’ll make a 200 follower spe...
I wonder who it will be...
(Btw In don’t know why I’m a duck. I think Bob got a hold ...
Okay, so remember when I talked about my neighbor’s sister? Well, I kept playing with her because...