I buy a ton of useless things for school so...
Since I haven't posted anything recently, I'm just gonna leave this here
Hope I didn't mess anything up! Your animations are awesome!!
Hope this one came out to your liking, September! Leather jackets are cool! Gold chains are cool!
Oh, man. I took so long with this one! Her horns look like croissants tho! XD
I really hope you like this. Honestly, I've never tried drawing animals. Anyways, enjoy!!
Hope I didn't mess anything up! Your oc is so cute tho!!
It should be descriptive enough to draw (exp. gender, age, hair color). Idk this is just a random...
Anyone like Be More Chill? Seriously, this musical obsession is getting out of hand...
When are y'all going back to school? I feel like my summer when by so fast.
Appalled by the recent lack of Hamilton, not sure if anyone will like this....