Ok get on there and I'll talk to you :)
Awesom sonic what is ur username
Yes it just called kik its free and if u get an account it's also free
The name I'm thinking is dust paw
Yeh it's free it is called kik it is really fun
Hey sonic I have a great name for that
I was talking to shadow on it last night
That sucks I wish u did cuz I could show u what i really draw like
Hey sonic do u have a kik account
Hey endergirl do u have a kik account
Hey sonic
Shadow get on kik I'll be there
Sorry shadow I'm trying to kik mrkrazycupcakes what is your kik user name
Hey jazzy try a cat
Yay I just created an account
I tried ok
It's better than I can do I suck at drawing hands
Yes and I think I got dib sick to