Credit to @:: J i r o :: for name. uwu
Info: smokes, sort of a flirt once he gets comfy with yo...
I was messin with character designs (cuz i suck at designing characters) and i liked this one. Im...
Allison: her name iz Vivian~ uwu // aaaaaaAAAAA sorry
Allison: but that wont sstop me -w- // my spoider-butterfly babi.
Tj: i hate this shirt, its meaningless //Flowey: i hate this life, its meaningless // oh xD
Or in general requests? Idk. Im in a undertale-y mood ;//
Any oc or creator if ya rlly want-
If you immediately thought blueberries ur wro n g//Bb: lemons~ uwu yum.
Ppl dont like her smile. They say shes freaky. ;'/ //Bb: rip me