(You both took a piece)
What do you do?
1: *eat it
2: take a bit
3: lick it
What do you do now?
1: ask him if you can share with him
2: say hello
What now?
1: run to nighter and hug him
2: go to him and say hello
3: ask him if he can share...
What do you do?
1: say hello and hug
2: say hello and feel her floofy tail
3: say hello
What will you do now?
1: look for dreamy
2: say goodbye and look for dreamy
3: pat her head
What will you do?
1: CALL 911
2: put a cast on her eye
3: make her a new eye
What would you do?
1: stop hugging and say bye
2: look for dreamy
3: look for Rasberry
What will you do now?
1: say hello
2: hug them
No Description
What will you do when you wake up?
1: visit nighter
2: visit mystery and mysterious
3: look f...
What do you do?
1: grab your plushie and sleep
2: turn on sleeping music and sleep
3: put pjs...
What do you do?
1: say goodbye and go home
2: hug them goodbye and go home
3: wave them good...
What do you do?
1: hug them
2: tell them what happend to nighter
3: do nothing
What do you do now?
1: get mad at nightsky
2: search for mystery and mysterious
What do you do?
1: get mad at nightsky
2: hug him
3: search for mystery and mysterious
What do you do?
1: pump him air
2: call 911
3: do nothing until he wakes up
What do you do?
1: pump him air
2: call 911
3: check to make sure he's still alive
What do you do?
2: CALL 911
3: LET HIM DIE!!!!!!