

Undertake Me: Wow I fe- 
FNaF Me: Shut up for a minute! I want to spend my whole  time creating ...

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100 观点 - 7 years ago


No, I did not get inspired by Umb. Everybody just thinks Umb did but nope. I did it first. (-‸ლ)

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54 观点 - 7 years ago


ᙚᵐⁱᒻᵉ¨̮ and ʱⁱ¨̮ i'm back from school. ;3

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73 观点 - 7 years ago


I just used an Knock Knock joke on him. ;D

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57 观点 - 7 years ago


Rublen is 9! He loves to destroy and doesn't much really..like..meeting other children.And he's v...

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66 观点 - 7 years ago


Please! I don't want anybidy sad! -sniff- Heheh! Please! (๑>ᴗ<๑)

59 观点 - 7 years ago


Meowzers: She has promised not be sad. She wants to..reset again..She missed..her family. 

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128 观点 - 7 years ago


Age: Unknown/ From:Lake/Crush: Nobody..yet./Dislikes:Bullies and Loud Noises/Likes: Quiet Reading...

47 观点 - 7 years ago


Short little animation..;P

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41 观点 - 7 years ago


Im pretty proud of this..

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56 观点 - 7 years ago


I was pretty lazy to add all the details and stuff in.

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28 观点 - 7 years ago


..of course anybody won't watch this.

82 观点 - 7 years ago


I was bored omay? o3o

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114 观点 - 7 years ago


When I came back there is literally drama happening..Like..

29 观点 - 7 years ago


(P.S I had to do the animating for her.) 

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51 观点 - 7 years ago


She's  my sister, She forgot her password to hrr account on animemaker. She's gonna create a new ...

57 观点 - 7 years ago