Name: Arainia
Birth:Januray 2,1991
Hair: Short blue hair
Eyes : Blue
((A Teena...
Hopefully you liked the 1st one I got the idea from yesterday,it just popped out of my head from ...
Here Sonic! My 1st one!
You wanna see the other first one I did? the on you saw was the second one.
((Blows breath)) Pheew~! That took me a lot of work to do the second one,Wow what work.
Hey SonicLover123! I'm going to make another animation on here! BRB.
My dream was to become a Artist, Cartoonist,And someday become an Animator too and work for Dream...
You know I use t have a lot of animations but I have to delete anime maker and reload it over aga...
Besides a great animator like you with such talent should work for a animation studio! Do you eve...
I saw the stick animations you show me and they almost look good! I think your a cool awsome anim...
Oh can you practice of making it move like that? I bet you can make a cool animation like that Sl...
So Sliver Stealer you like drawing stick figures? Me too sometimes, Do you watch a stick fight vi...
It's okay Sliver Stealer I want t see the animation you were doing.