Firęłight_ßwekh(Why is ever...
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We need 4 tattletails and 4 mamas just make your oc as a tattletail
Misha: I'm so sorry Flamer and Asher I was such a jerk out there all I wanted was a please I just...
Crush: Arrowheart Gender: Male warrior cat Likes: His friends/Squirrelflight and Ashfur Disli...
Wow so quick I really love you guys too much I don't know what to say...
Sorry I had to play with my younger 10 year old cousins he is 4 years younger than me
This is mykro
Gender: Female Crush: Ashfur (someone can be Ashfur just ash me..GET IT?? Corny...) Hobby: Slee...
And FYI Leafeon you don't get drawing classes when your 14 they don't put drawing on your scholar...
Syro: and have any of you seen my cutie,Pixel?? *is blushing*