*i look at the collar.* Wow....*i lift my hand as i accidentaly pushes shadow back*
Ill live with what i am then for now....*i take a step and i feel powered*
How do you know? *a serpant tail appears on me* what kind of monster am i....?
*i appear with one angel wing and one demonic wing as my eyes are a bright white blue*
*the cacoon starts to crack and its really hot in there but ice shards form from the crack*
*as im in the cacoon i scream in flames but the light burns my eyes. I pound on the cacoon*
*fire emerges from my back and embraces all around me soon hardening and is a stone cacoon*
I dont kno- *i scream as i feel a burning feeling in my back*
In a hotel? Do you know who i am....i dont remember anything. *i get up sore as my eyes flash yel...