My knee cap became dislocated and I fell on my ankle moving a hose.
I was watching Detroit become human and now my eyes are blurry. Connor is this your android magic??
This is my right hand but I drew it as my left XD and my pinky is like that I have trigger finger
I gotta take a shower I’ll be back in 5 minuets if I’m not read that again
It’s me the person who was Toshi I’m sorry I lied that I was leaving and I pretended I was plasti...
No one talks to me and I’m rarely on so imma just leave my YouTube is Ryan is cool I’ll be one th...
If I try to leave people will freak out but if I stay no one talks to me
Ryan: so umm Sushi is a robot...??? I didn’t make him like that.. anyone know how to fix this????
“Blame Simon cause he said you got two lives down and one life left” -song cops and robbers