-returns momentarily before I pass out from exhaustion sees "LEEDELEEDELE"- wtf... XDDD
-stands by sassy and examines the snack table carefully- whadda we have hur? ^^ I'm starved
-raises red cup in salutation- then let the party begin >U< when moar ppl join.. XD
-hugs prince- I understand completely.. It takes time to heal those wounds.. With all the venom t...
If Dani gets on AM to apologize will you guys be nice, please? ;^;
I used to love Dani.. But if she'd stoop this low to prove a point I don't ever wanna see her aga...
... I'm done, i'm leaving AM. I'm sorry to all those I've hurt..
-sniffs and wipes my eyes- what happened to the dani who loved potatoes.. The dani who liked me e...
I wish emo posers like you would stop bringing their personal problems into stuff because nobody ...