I'm angry from you and I'm killing you in sleep look that's how angry
Ima call this monster thingy wall climber ittttttt basically eats your whole freaking face and al...
Soooooo I spread over the world to become black😅😵😵😵😵.......
So how I kill is putting a target on your face and it will blow up your head very violently and q...
This is not real this didn't happen In real life dont ask me what happened to my eye left eye i m...
In the movie there will be a killer and survivors comment to be anyone survival team vs killer o...
If you dont know this game stop it ,get some help
This is my meme this took me alot of time
When you have a monster in your home that only hurts you and no one will see him but only you and...
When you look at your friends did that creep you out :3