This is a small drawing of idek I guess disappearing Bc of smth and crying about it.... it took 3...
This is just a girl crying over another boy
This is for people why just wanna know how I draw my legs! She is a chubby girl btw
A lil sketch btw I lied (maybe) I'm not gonna do the Fnaf series
A Hamilton song piece I also like, this is my OC sister.
A piece from 21 chump street with an OC, ill color her and out her out soon
It's terrible I know already
Not the best... if you would like to be done as a girl how I draw them , comment and send details!!
Not official!! But the comic will happen!!
Any question you have comment them, and follow for the comic series!!
If you want this to be a series, comment YES In the comments! I would live to do this btw, even i...
For future! Only if you vote will I make the series, so go vote on my other one!!
Say YES if u want it, say NO if not! Voting ends tomorrow night!