I have a sorta rage world I go to when I’m mad and then on the outside I’m bitchy and rude to peo...
This is a repost because I want to draw different things and I’m on an art block so yE
Purp man
You know how how fucking difficult it is to draw a ninja star without a refence WHATTHEFUCDHJH
I love Patton platonically
he's just best boy and I love the headcanon that he has freckles jus ...
I actually an kinda proud of this
also this will be my first time drawing all the sandersides ch...
I hate it here I hate it here I hate it here I hate it here I hate it here I hate it here I hate ...
I'm gonna daw every character in SanderSides in a row
I actually didn't cry while drawing this
I cried while drawing this because I’m problematic and aNaTOmY is a piece of shit
I’m probably n...
I’m gonna wait until tomorrow to play it because I don’t wanna stay up till 8:00am playing
I’m ...
Your art is just amazing ike—
Your use of colors is great and imo bright colors are just ...
Go Fuck a Cactus
I love how this turned out but it's so fuCKING HARD TO DRAW ON A TOUCHSCREEN ...
I got my mom to buy me danganronpa on IOS and im so happy also I drew this on my laptop becuz I'm...
Y a y
Something other then ratings
Just yes
Your good with colors nd just drawing in general 👌👏
Also your OCs are cool
Sike 8/10
I love your art skkss
You’re good with colors but I’d recommend u...
I like your art a lot, your landscapes are also very nice
I’d say work on color palettes a...
Just yes
You art and coloring is smooth and it’s great 👌👌
Overall gg comrade
Mk cya