Firęłight_ßwekh(Why is ever...
Ashling: *looke at stomach* Ughh
Spider: *Plays the clarinet* ...
No Description
Ramune started the whole trend and now everybody is saying "oh lookie here I'm a Trans". It's jus...
I hate tomato's!
Delilah.....I hate her...... *growls*
Levoto: Hello hot stuff~ *thinkin' of someone*
Levoto: Ugh~~ <\\3
Levoto: ....Hi
Kid Me: N-No! Not this! I feel to young for this to happen!
I was eating a blue raspberry lolipop which I loved and now my tongue is blue and it taste like b...
A-Ahahah I met this really nice and cute boy from school. Aaaa shitt <\\\3