My hands are shaky after doing chores so it looks messy but Ribbie is browsing animemaker rn and ...
her name will maybe be Tasha?
I'll make it probably in the morning ^^
So here are clothes options! Colors will depend on the final look of the new oc ^^
The body itself will vary on the head but here are these!
So I'm bored and ideas are running through mah brain
Female, Male, or Nonbinary for genders! ...
Yall seemed to like twilight so have the shy bb!
Heck! I achieved 30 followers! Imma do a lil thing for a 30 follower special!
Heck, this was kinda hard to do xp
Rib: unpleasant
They look good in those shirts!
So I'm doing it with Rib (left) Sugar (center) and Galina (right)
Any outfits are fine!
And then some posts have like... 30+ views
Very poggers
Also might do a clothes dare with a...
Galina for the green axolotl lady and Rib for the purple bab!
Might do art of the purple bab aswell ^^