Dream that my mom banned me...in the cold outside...then stranges came and beat me up...beaten an...
I don't know...maybe cause I get to upset about it u see Prince...I get things like that from wha...
A horrible dream the frighten me!
People were coming in my house and started grabbing me and putt...
A SpongeBob ballon on the parade and somebody I believe is saying...Songebob!
(( Gives out a wipe and nibbles to self))
Wow I see SpongeBob on ABC!0.0
I'm watching TV in the living room watching the parade...
And I just cut myself this morining I still got that small knife on my bookbag and I'm KEEPING IT...
Mom call me stupid...if u see my complaim from this morning...wow! My day sucks...:(
Goddammit! I just drew a picture of Hoops and YoYo! BUT THEN...it didn't want me to share my draw...
My mom call me a stupid jackass...