Hop you all like the now way I’m making it
The top hare looks werd sorry
I’m going to draw what you want as long as it’s not human i can’t draw those things
This is not a Klub treat it seriously
Also i now how i hire don’t try to sneak in.
You are the only horny cop I’ve seen do there job
Hey everyone let’s do something fun!
Spam both (cartmanzzzz) accounts let it be known we don’t l...
Spam both (cartmanzzzz) accounts let it be known we don’t like there kind around here
Spam both (cartmanzzzz) accounts let it be known we don’t like there kind around here
Spam both (cartmanzzzz) accounts let it be known we don’t like there kind around here
Idk if i did it wriggt you are not consistent with your caricature but i hop you like it
I wont you all to roast me yes u will be making comebacks
Btw my pen broke and i found out you can use the and of a battery just to let you all now
I deleted the app and logged back in to try to fixe the language issue but instead of that it got...
Idk what happened but everything is in Japanese and idk how to fix it pis help!
I’m going to be trying to draw an animal tarring there own eyes out.