The Well known Answer is Wellington, Because he was Defeated Battle after Battle even he has an A...
-Quote from a French King
Marshal Marmont Believed that Wellington was a Cautious Commander, and did not want to risk attac...
Battle of Salamanca
Battle of Vittoria
The Battle of Leipzig is on a Delay but we will continue the Battle of The Nations Tommorrow Mond...
Me: You need to attack.
Him: Why?
Me: Because the country needs a decieve victory.
Him: No, b...
Very Very Cautious, and still reguarded at the US one of the most Indecieve Commanders in the Ame...
They did one of Histories Important Role. And it was a Total sucess the French Resistance did Sab...
When Napoleon Returned back to France King Louis the 18th sented Troops to Stop Napoleons Army. b...