Your mom is the worst even worst then mine She does not feed me enough but if your mom does not e...
1, it will use random colored outline sometimes and ruin the whole thing
2, costs more money now...
There will be a top 3-5 I will look a 10 please do this om bored
Okay so here I was chilling in a restaurant and It was a kid-grown up place I was the only kid ...
User icon s 276716 1588230981 KikitheDragon
User icon s 195072 1588962402 Steven u...
I lost my spark due to not sleeping so I will look emoless
I was playing roblox and watching YouTube there was a game on roblox its awesome you get to rp as...
Who is worse
Personally I think Monona he is an ass to everyone at least mineta is nice because ...
I'm not a FAN GIRL he's like 40 so it would be awkward