
  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

If I get As and Bs this year than I do get one.

4 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

17 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●


^^ little doodle about how haters should go die in hell! :^D


8 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

Im using Sererenity
Yes I know my name is Serenity but it's all I could think of when I made her.

12 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●


17 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

If so what should I name her?

39 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

Alexander hamilton.

27 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

I like being a girl though

33 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

Since my name is serenity im sage sooo...

I HAVE A DI- no bewbs

18 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

Draw yourself as your opposite gender.
And you have to be that gender on this app for the rest o...

 10    7
60 views - 6 years ago