Hiya been a couple of days but h3llo :) ITS FINNALLY HALF TERM SO I CAM DRAW MORE NEXT WEEK :D
Her name is Rosalind, but on her world they take going all out very seriously anyways this took ...
I dont know what is wrong with nme but she looks like my mum
Sry its a bit late i had to go out shopping but here yoi go its gettung more colder by the day so...
imagine not being online
Couldnt be me:^^
Idk I just wanted to show that I'm not dead lol duckies :))
anime: spy x family
YOR is so hot fr,,
motherly murderer
Anime: spy x family,,
SHes so adorable but loid tho LOID LOID AHAJKFBJ I had it in my drafts so ...
actually forgot this app was on here got rid of all the other animes I made :l
I drew dio using the same instructions anyways scoreboard
1st- gets a follow (if not followed) ...
Yea we minors don't even think about sexualising them anyways their name is summer and they're Pan!!
Hi again foekndnxkwxkccmemwmsmxkkck
Zhongli lol pls come home pls I need you for azdaha to kill him im trash help me zhongli I need t...
:) I'm back again i had a break bc of school hope you don't mind me back again anyways here's ve...
Eywijd I'm watching fire force rn and I really hate inca ffs