My knife slipped it was a accident i swear
She gives me all the answers 👁👄👁💅
Im soooo evil
Everytime i have one of them I end up having a small stomach pain
But today
I ended up ha...
I h a v e b e e n b l e s s e d b y t h e g o d s
He facking disturbed my slumber
"School is a place we're you learn!
Explore,make friends, be happy, get far in life"
Explore ...
Just have some smileys ig
Im tired but my eyes are saying no to sleep
So i was playing with my sister on A video game
And well u h
I lost my base
and it took ...
Its a very sad day
A frenz Pc is dead noe
Cri cri cri
so sad
I changed this
: D
I 100% didn't run down stairs screaming for my mother-
I didnt see the kitchen door so i just Fucking walked into it-