Take a screenshot of the animation
Whoever you get is the OC I will draw
The one with most vote...
Prob the last drawing for tonight
If anyone wants to roleplay just add me on discord or talk
I had to get my middle finger prick
It's now dead :3
No they are not a ship
No bluby isn't the size of a kid I am lazy to draw the full body
I will be using two OCs,Tiffany and Blubia
The setting is at Blubias college
Please be ni...
I wanna use my OCs (( Tiffany and bluby )) really bad XD
Jesus I haven't drawn her in a bit
What a cutie like all my other OCs TwT
I'm not feeling great today I may not be on much idk
Depends on if I don't get my phone taken...
I wanna celebrate 41+ followers
But I want you all to choose for me ^^ or vote
Pick a spo...